Maintenance Mode

The converter service is currently offline. Please check back later.

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User Type Duration Per Hour Quality
Guest 10m 5 64k,128k
Member (Free) 30m 15 64k,128k,192k
Member (Donor) 3h 30m 999 64k,128k,192k,256k,320k

Frequently Asked Questions

Kaizo is completely free from ads and will never bombard you with pop-ups or force you into enabling notifications or downloading suspicious software. We don’t collect personal data (other than standard server logs), and your privacy is respected. All interactions remain anonymous.

I rely on donations to keep Kaizo running. You can support it by buing me a coffee to help cover server expenses and ongoing development and you also benefit of some extra perks (must be registered for that).

If you find Kaizo helpful, please consider making a small donation by buing me a coffee or sharing the service with friends. Every bit helps it stay online and improve.

No, but it helps. In order to avoid abuse, or the use of 3rd party verification scripts, I found it necessary to hide some of the resources behind a user account. You can use it as a guest if you want but if you want more relaxed limits and some extra perks, you can create an account. Creating an account is as easy as Username, Password, Captcha and that's it.

Because I wanted the user account to be as less intrussive as possible, I didn't ask for an email address. This means that if you forget your password, you can't recover it. You can however create a new account. If you had a donation still in effect, contact me on one of the social channels and i can transfer it to your new account.

If you have any questions or issues, you can contact me via Reddit or Telegram. They are displayed right under the conversion form.

With you can convert media from YouTube, YoutubeMusic and SoundCloud (more to be added in the future) .


Ad-Free & Unlimited Conversions: is completely ad-free and offers unlimited(timed) free conversion and download services for your favorite videos and tracks from YouTube, YouTube Music, and SoundCloud. Donor support helps keeps this service running and improving.

Universal Compatibility: Use on any device, browser, or operating system. The conversion takes place on cloud servers, so there’s no need to install any software on your device.

100% Secure & Privacy-Focused: I never collect your personal information ... not even for account creation, so you can convert and download your files safely and anonymously.

High-Quality Output Options: Choose from a range of audio qualities—from 64 kbps to 320 kbps—to achieve the perfect balance between file size and sound quality.

User-Friendly Interface: The clean,lightweight and intuitive design makes it incredibly easy to convert and download content. Just paste your URL, select your desired quality, and let do the rest!

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